Field of Dreamers News
Field of Dreamers has been invited to give a talk to mark the 90th Anniversary of the Christie Pits Riots at the Gladstone Library. The talk will feature Don River’s Rachel Small, Credit River’s Phill Morgan, and Garrison Creek’s Craig Fortier! Keep up to date by checking the Field of Dreamers socials.
Credit River Riot (0-2-0)
In her famous graphic, Rebecca Solnit explains that social movements can be compared to mushrooms. While we might marvel at the fruiting bodies as they emerge in all their glorious colours and shapes and forms above ground, the real work happens below. Despite two losses in the last three weeks, the Credit River Riot are starting to put together some cohesion and chemistry. Drawing on the speed of Brianna Greaves, the thump of Manjeet Bedi and Claire Heese-Boutin, the steady play of Paula John, the sweet swing of Camie Koo, the plucky pluckiness of Peter Demakos, the soulful style of Jill Aoki, the wonderous woo of Carianne Leung, the daunting presence of Phill Morgan, the sleek fielding of Sam Ponting, el correr fantastico de Yosnai Mena Mora, the circle A effort of Claudia Calabro, the talltop hits of Shannon Dunham, and the chip-ins from Nate Kulasinghe, the Riot is poised to be sprouting revolution come late summer.
Humber River Hungry Hippos (2-0-0)
The hypothalamus is a structure deep within your brain. It’s the main link between your endocrine system and your nervous system. Your hypothalamus keeps your body balanced in a stable state called homeostasis. Well, friends, the “hippo”thalamus of Field of Dreamers is the steady and stable state of winning produced by the balanced roster of the Hungry Humber team. Led by the early favourites for captains of the year, Victoria Barnett and Terrance Luscombe, the Hippos have been chomping up wins like it’s a mild day in a fertile marsh. Where the sweet swings of Lucky Visvanathan and Oskar Eliashevsky meet the power pop of Marisa Tran and Fianna Dirks meet the bubbly belts of Marty Fink and Matías Contreras meet the silly slashes of Chris Yates and Kirsten Dick meet the sporty style of Claudia Vergara and Kaela Sanborn-Hum meet the cute couture of Carly Boyce and Amanda Hollingworth meet the hard nose grind of Jasper Walton and Beth Austerberry – is that deep part of the brain called the hippothalamus.
Rouge River Bad N Rougee (0-2-0)
Where were you when the beat dropped on Rouge River’s new chant? Because it’s fire! The two losses recorded here don’t tell the story of the Bad N Rougee’s fierce play. Down 17-3 in their final at-bat against the Good Griefers of Garrison, the trap queens dropped banger after banger for 12 runs and almost completed the most miraculous of come-from-behind victories in Dreamers history! Revved to elation by Huan Nguyen’s new chant, we saw Sarah Peek poke one through the whole, Jenni Klonteig blast a line drive, Nell Khayutin explode for their 4th hit, Kat Kleine speed around the bases, Emma Cuddy lace a sweet hit, Sabrina Benoit put a charge into a ball, Qui Alexander stay back and belt a base hit, LJ Robinson plate a couple with a sweet stroke, Rhiannon Cobb chop one up the baseline, Yazi Peer plunk a perfect pop up, and Johann Juarez slice a centre field cut against his arch nemesis….we wish sweet Andy Smith and Soren D’Alimonte could have been there to witness such perfect rhythm. <3
Don River Celine D’on (3-0-0)
Don, duh, don, don…..doooooonnnnnnnn. Uh oh, don’t look now, but there’s a new team charging up the standings. After starting the season 0-4-0, the Celine D’on’s are climbing the charts with hit single after hit double after hit triple after hit HOME RUNS!! As seems to be the case each season, a slow Don start gives way to a scorching summer and here we GO AGAIN.
Try hanging in against the Celine D’on these days – AND THIS IS WHAT IT FEELS LIKE.
Rob Jackson and Seb Higgins are crafting masterful lineups that have let our divas shine. Kai Sommerville and Finn McLeod are playing sweet defence; Nat Saavedra and RT Titus have returned to provide some much needed “bang, bang” and “vroom, vroom” to the offence. Kaleigh McGregor-Bales continues to produce hit after hit. Dao Le returned to form and successfully found home with a swift sprint around the bases. Paul Pritchard and Janice Lee have been that lefty-righty power pop duo you’d look for in Brooklyn circa 2006. Jo Jefferson & Rachel Small have composited a perfect playlist of play. Devin Clancy is double bubbling while Annelies Cooper is rolling in the deep. And Rachele Clemente leads all D’on’s in runs scored with some of the best base running of their Dreamer career!!!
Garrison Creek Good Griefers (1-2-0)
A midwest emo playlist of Sunnyday Real Estate, American Football, The Promise Ring, Modern Baseball, Cap N’ Jazz, Mineral, and Oso Oso sets the tone for the Good Griefers journey this season. Inspired by the depths of teen angst mixed with the self-deprecating screams of joyful anguish, the Garrison Creek team is making beautiful music together. Robyn Letson, Michelle Kidd, and Craig Fortier have poured over the scouting reports, considered the analytics, mulled the platoon splits, before realizing that at its core, baseball is about feeling. And so, the Garrison Creek lineups have become heavy on the touchy feely and light on the nerdcore over the past few weeks. Syd Gilchrist has stabilized the lineup with a perfect attendance record and a quick ascent towards “intermediate” player status! Stu Schussler defended his PhD in between back-to-back weeks of 4 hit games! Jenny Chan elevated the entire vibe of the league with a pinata party pride week! Laura Windhorst bounded the bases and affirmed the nickname “pony!” Mercedes Lee plays the hardest hard stop 10:30 games in the league! Krysta Williams has tapped into a little more power to go with the best dugout vibe! Ness Dixon has answered the call when not on call! Lainie Basman has turned some of the sweetest defensive plays of the season! Kira Kastner is a hit machine! And Travis Silverman is a haunting presence in the lineup!
See the game box scores here
See player stats here
See league standings here

Field of Dreamers has seen at least 243 players throughout the history of the league and it’s original team (The Uncertainty/Insurgency) take at least one at-bat. Each players’ stats and milestones are recorded to give you a sense of longevity, growth, and possibility through participation in the league <3
Credit River
Phill Morgan – currently ranks 6th on the all-time list with 26 career home runs
Camie Koo – currently ranks tied for 2nd in the league this season with 34 at-bats
Paula John – currently ranks tied for 70th on the all-time list with 44 career hits
Peter Demakos – becomes 10th player in league history to reach 120 career runs batted in
Claire Heese-Boutin – becomes 175th player in league history to reach 15 career at-bats
Manjeet Bedi – becomes 82nd player in league history to reach 40 career hits
Brianna Greaves – currently ranks tied for 18th on the all-time list with 122 career singles
Yosnai Mena Mora – becomes 159th player in league history to reach 20 career at-bats (21)
Sam Ponting – becomes 56th player in league history to reach 100 career at-bats (102)
Shannon Dunham – becomes 102nd player in league history to reach 15 career runs batted in
Claudia Calabro – currently ranks tied for 124th in league history with 19 career hits
Jill Aoki – currently ranks tied for 35th in league history with 132 career at-bats
Carianne Leung – currently ranks tied for 160th on the all-time list with 19 career at-bats
Nate Kulasinghe – currently ranks tied for 203rd on the all-time list with 7 career at-bats
Don River
Rob Jackson – currently ranks 22nd on the all-time list with 6 career triples
Sébastien Higgins – becomes the 70th player in league history to reach 70 career at-bats!
Nat Saavedra – currently tied for 12th on the all-time list with 11 career triples
Annelies Cooper – becomes 8th player in league history to reach 140 career runs scored
Jo Jefferson – currently tied for 18th on the all-time list with 81 career runs batted in
Janice Lee – currently tied for 78th on the all-time list with 3 career doubles
RT Titus – currently tied for 94th on the all-time list with 52 career at-bats
Rachele Clemente – becomes 15h player in league history to reach 280 career at-bats
Kaleigh MacGregor-Bales – becomes 55th player in league history to reach 100 career at-bats (102)
Paul Pritchard – ranks 5th this season with 19 runs batted in
Finn MacLeod -currently tied for 110th in the league with 24 career hits
Dao Le – becomes 149th player in league history to hit a double
Kai Somerville – becomes 148th player in league history to hit a double
Devin Clancy – currently ranks 13th
Rachel Small – becomes 10th player in league history to reach 300 career at-bats (304)
Humber River
Victoria Barnett – becomes 60th player in league history to hit a home run
Terrance Luscombe – currently ranks 7th in league history with 334 career at-bats
Lucky Visvanathan – becomes 38th player in league history to reach 80 career hits (81)
Oskar Eliashevsky – becomes 42nd player in league history to reach 40 career runs batted in
Marisa Tran – becomes 147th player in league history to hit a double
Kirsten Dick – currently tied for 28th in league history with 13 career doubles
Marty Fink – currently tied for 2nd this season with 7 doubles
Matías Contreras – currently tied for 1st this season with 4 triples
Amanda Hollingworth – currently tied for 143rd in the league with 14 career hits
Chris Yates – becomes 70th player in league history to reach 75 career at-bats
Jasper Walton – currently tied for 112th in league history with 11 career runs batted in
Beth Austerberry -currently tied for 114th in league history with 21 career singles
Carly Boyce – currently tied for 166th in league history with 9 career singles
Kaela Sanborn-Hum – becomes 109th player in league history to reach 25 career hits
Fianna Dirks – becomes 31st player in league history to reach 60 career runs batted in
Claudia Vergara – currently ranks 108th on the all-time list with 26 career hits
Rouge River
Andy Smith – currently tied for 13th on the all-time list with 191 career hits
Johann Juarez – currently ranks 3rd on the all-time list with 311 career hits
LJ Robinson – currently ranks 6th on the all-time list with 243 career hits
Jenni Klonteig – currently tied for 41st on the all-time list with 46 career runs scored
Sabrina Benoit – becomes 59th player in league history to hit a home run
Soren D’Alimonte – currently ranks 88th on the all-time list with 35 career hits
Huấn Nguyen – becomes 79th player in league history to hit a triple
Sarah Peek – currently tied for 50th on the all-time list with 56 career singles
Rhiannon Cobb – currently tied for 69th on the all-time list with 40 career singles
Yasmeen Peer – currently tied for 156th on the all-time list with 12 career hits
Emma Cuddy – ranks 6th this season with 17 runs batted in
Nell Khayutin – currently tied for 2nd this season with 19 singles
Qui Alexander – becomes 170th player in league history to reach 15 career at-bats (16)
Kat Kleine – see firsts below
Garrison Creek
Darren Puscas – becomes 4th player in league history to reach 250 career hits (252)
Craig Fortier – becomes 1st player in league history to reach 50 career triples
Robyn Letson – currently tied for 11th on the all-time list with 148 career singles
Ness Dixon – becomes 83rd player in league history to reach 65 career at-bats
Travis Silverman – currently tied for 189th on the all-time list with 10 career at-bats
Laura Windhorst – becomes 100th player in league history to reach 50 career at-bats
Michelle Kidd – currently ranks 49th on the all-time list with 107 career at-bats
Mercedes Lee – currently tied for 140th on the all-time list with 15 career hits
Jenny Chan – see oddities below
Lanie Basman – becomes 19th player in league history to score 85 runs
Krysta Williams – becomes 55th player in league history to reach 50 career singles (51)
Kira Kastner – becomes 173rd player in league history to reach 15 career at-bats
Sydney Gilchrist – currently tied for 7th this season with 31 at-bats
Rees Nam – becomes 70th player in league history to reach 75 career at-bats
Madison Taipalus – becomes 150th player in league history to hit a double
Matthew Burashko – currently leads all sub players with 17 at-bats this season
Colin Hastings – currently ranks 6th on the all-time list with 57 career doubles
Christelle Thibault – currently tied for 3rd among sub players this season with 9 at-bats
Lee Williams Boudakian – becomes 249th player in league history
Max Godwin – becomes 250th player in league history

Field of Dreamers has now welcomed 243 players to the plate over the course of our history – the following players represent our newest additions:
Kat Kleine – first career double
SUPER 4 for 400
Jenny Chan (Garrison Creek) joins Craig Fortier, Ryan Hayes, and Johann Juarez as the 4th member of the 400 at-bats club! (401)
Rhiannon Cobb (Rouge River) becomes 70th player in league history to reach 70 career at-bats!