June 2nd 2019


There was another game in town and this one was building up since the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event or for NBA fans, the equivalent of 24 years. Many of our Dreamers have lived their entire lives wondering what it would be like to watch Mighty Mouse, Vinsanity, Il Mago, CB4, DeMar, Jacob Poertl Powtol Poeatal Poetl, Kyle Lowry and crew make it to the Finals. And that dream has come true. And in the true spirit of sharing, collective care, and ingenuity – the Dreamers came together and found a projection screen (Ness), a laptop/data (Victoria), a projector (Ryan/Darren), a generator (Craig/Jenny), and then tinkered and worked to make the game appear on the backstop (Lainie/Robyn/Peter)!! So while Garrison’s debut was again overshadowed by an external event, the dreamers took the field with the collective spirit that we have cultivated over 3 seasons!

We all know the results of the Raps vs. Warriors game, but perhaps most excitedly, the results of this weeks game are worth recounting. Would the trash pandas scavenge their way to a win over the care bears or would the ursus bond together when the going got tough to will their way to victory? would the walking dead trample over the hopefulness of the glimmer or would the shining ones scatter Don come day break?

If you wanna know the results…


Photo Credit: Lainie Basman 🙂

Continue reading “June 2nd 2019”

May 26th 2019


Sundays have been Stormdays for the past few weeks and our season has sputtered in the puddles, but Bellwoods gifted us beautiful weather for Week 4 (i.e. defacto Week 2) following an incredibly energetic skillshare last week! Would the Don of the Dead outsmart the heart of the Care Bears or would the cuddly ursus shine some magic on the diamond? Would the Glimmer sparkle in their season debut or would they get caught in the Haze?

If you wanna know the results…


Photo Credit: Victoria Barnett 🙂

Continue reading “May 26th 2019”

The Dreamer’s Tribune: Karl’s 200 & 100 Milestones

Karl Gardner of the Credit River Care Bears reflects on 200 at-bats and 100 runs.

When Craig asked to me to sub for the Uncertainty a few years ago, I probably agreed less because I wanted to play softball and more because I wanted to see some friendly faces out in the sun on the occasional afternoon. However, after experiencing the deep community and ethic of care that the Uncertainty was organized around–and after finding that softball was actually super fun–I knew I’d be coming back! 

I’m so glad that we took these principles community, care, and friendly competition and built a league of our own upon them. I’ve played a handful of different organized sports over the years, and none have been as nourishing as the Field of Dreamers. Now, I’m always blabbing on to my friends about our league and how unique what we’ve built really is. And the walk-up songs? A+.

Reaching 200 at-bats under the lights at the Skydome has been so much fun. And to reach 100 runs (shouldn’t it be getting easier to run around those bases?!) is a testament to all the great teammates I’ve had who’ve batted me in on the Rouge River Ballsheviks, the Credit River Comrades, and this year the Credit River Care Bears. Looking forward to an amazing third season on the field with all you dreamers!

Game Cancelled: May 12, 2019

May 12, 2019

The coordinating committee discussed the weather conditions today from 4-6pm including: field condition, temperature, rain, forecast, and presence of extreme weather.

Given the current and forecasted weather, we have decided that this week’s games are cancelled. 

May 5th 2019


In the post-season era where the weather can turn from 25 degrees and sunny to -1 degrees with sleet in a matter of hours, there is no season that is now as regular as ball season. And so as the calendar flipped to May, the Dreamers took the field on an (unusually? typical? moderately surprising?) balmy May evening for the start of the third season in league history.

Continue reading “May 5th 2019”